Now that you have chosen the investigation (emerging technology) write in great detail using your own who? What? Where? Why? And how questions.
1)What is the new technology? The new technology is drupal.
2)How is it used in everyday life for communication or creativity?
Drupal is a content management system that makes use of modules to allow site administrators to organize and display content, customize appearance and manage routine tasks, such as registration for websites requiring user names and passwords.
3)Where do you get it?
Drupal is web based you can created your own account and be an administrator. you can let your students or colleges apply to join your page and then they can be allowed to look at your project or design. Drupal is open source which means the code is freely available to anyone to use and modify. This means no license fees and no vendor lock in.
4)What are the brands and models available that drupal can work on?
Drupal works with Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and many other operating systems
5)How could it be used for learning at school? It can be used for learning at school becasue Drupal is a great tool for setting up a dynamic web site that can be maintained by all members of the school community. It has many features that lend itself to enhancing communication and community within a school.
7)How is it going to make learning or teaching better? It can make learning better teachers and student can communicate better. It has more options that blogger and wiki. You can exceed more in your work you can design your own page with different bag rounds and animation which drual will give you. They can always be intouch with their students. They can do any project they want on the suver and it willalways be safe because even if the internet stops working it will already have saved a backup on your computer desktop.
8)Who will use this product?
Teacher And Student Will Use this Product.thousands of individuals, businesses, non-profits, education, government, and other organizations
9)What are the benefits of this product?
10)What is the purpose of this product?
11)Where will this product be used?
This product can be used in school for teacher and student to use. It can also be used in offices for the workers to use and present their work to their colleagues.
12) Who is the maker of this product.
The creator of Drupal isn Dries Buytaert.
13) When can you use it?
You can use this product at all times. It is web based. You can use it for making projects
14) What Software is involved?
15) How much does it cost?
It does not cost anything to be a member or drupla ll you need is a username and a password. So the only thing you need is an account.
16) When was it made?
The drupal was first opened for people to use and to communicate in 2001 and it is still working up till this day.
The emerging technology that i choose is Drupal. Drupal is a content management program that contains a set of tools for building a web-based community sites, which can include
1) a public-facing web presence,
2) the functionalities of the read/write web into a controlled school environment, or
3) Intranet/Personal Workspaces for techs and administrators."
My resources: http://delicious.com/13dar